Kverneland NG-H 101

Dealer number 300390207
Ціна з ПДВ 19 % 23.681 €
Ціна без ПДВ 19.900 €
Марка Kverneland
Модель NG-H 101
Рік виробництва 2012
Додаткова інформація
Тип машини: Вживана машина
Марка: Kverneland
Модель: NG-H 101
Рік виробництва: 2012


NG-H 101
used Kverneland-Accord drill combination
in standard equipment year 2012
consisting of:
power harrow NG-H 101
3m working width
track marker
levelling bar
mechanical depth adjustment
mechanical Through drive
Kerner roller
DA seed drill
(1120) 3m working width
24x CX-disc coulter
Row spacing 12.5cm
Following harrow
mechanical metering by star wheel
Tramline flaps 2x3
mechanical fan drive
Pre-emergence marking
Seed auger (retrofitted)
Warning signs with lighting
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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Контактні данні
AGRAVIS Technik Saltenbrock GmbH
Heidensche Straße 73
32791 Lage
Контактна особи

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us.

02504 / 888 65 20